Cardinals slip past Brewers 6-2

The Cardinals Jonathon Phillips unleashes a pitch against the Brewers in the Little League Major Baseball game. 

Photo submitted by Leanne Smith. Story by Ray Conner

The Cardinals and Brewers of the Major Baseball division of Little League battled in a recent game. The two sides combined to use six pitchers. 

The Cardinals escaped with the 6-2 victory. They jumped out early as they scored three times in the bottom of the first. It stayed that way until the top of the third when the Brewers got on the board. They closed the gap to 3-2.

The two teams continued to battle as the Cardinals came to bat in the bottom of the fourth. They pushed one run home to make the score 4-2. They would add two insurance runs in the bottom of the fifth to put the score at 6-2.

The Brewers had no answers and the game went to the Cardinals.

Leading the way for the Cardinals was Wyatt Wilkens. He crushed a solo home run and a double. He had one RBI. Chasen Alvarez had a double and one RBI, while Zander Perry and Nick Murrillo each had one hit and one RBI. Jonathon Phillip, Izeck Padilla, and Xander Arana had one hit apiece, while Jackson Phillips was credited with an RBI.

On the bump, Alvarez pitched two innings and allowed no hits, while striking out three. Luke Zurn tossed one inning. He allowed the two runs on two hits and struck out one. Jo. Philips threw two innings. He gave up three hits and struck out two batters. Ja. Phillips threw one pitch and retired the only batter he faced.

The Brewers collected eight hits as a team. Abel Avila led the team as he had a pair of hits. Ward Hafenfeld had one hit and one RBI, while Jude Donoho, Xander Anzaldo, Briggs Griswold, Jaxon Chapman, and Brycen Helferty all had one hit in the game. Anzaldo swiped a base for the Brewers.

Anzaldo threw three innings and allowed three runs. He set down four batters on strikes. Avila had two innings of work giving up three runs. He walked three and struck out four.