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Valentine’s Day. A time of love and relationships, both new and old. A time of chocolates and confessions of love. Light hearted banter rules the day, and passion has taken over the night …

January was certainly an exciting month. Donald J. Trump was inaugurated and sworn in as returning in his second term as President to make him our 47th President, his first term, however, was as our …

Today we celebrate that guy who lives on the block that everyone refers to as that grumpy old man. The one who will not give back the ball or frisbee that sails over their fence and into their yard …

As far as months go, January runs a close first for most boring. There are few things that happened in the month worth noting. Except for maybe the most significant being the ending of the Viet Nam …

There are still a few things around that can be said are 100% real American. The idea of freedom at any cost, integrity to the flag, and respect for the men and women who fought for the United …

Can you believe it, we are in the year 2025? Who would have ‘thunk’ it? Certainly not me. So, I am 64 years old, yeah, a dinosaur to some. The sports world has changed in so many ways. Instead of …

We are into the second week of the new year; 8 days of 2025 are almost history. This year is flying by already, there is only 98% of the year remaining, and to borrow from the Beatles, the magical …

Whether you follow politics, the Hollywood movie schedule, or college football, ‘they’ say that 2025 is going to be a record setting year for all of these. January 1, New Year’s Day 2025. What …

It was five days before the baby was going to be born. The parents didn’t know that exactly, but they had a feeling it was soon. What were they going to do? They had started on this journey some …

It began in 1957 when Dr. Theodore Geisel wrote and illustrated a 33-line poem called, ‘Hoobob and the Grinch’ We know the doctor as Dr. Suess and his book is of course, ‘How the Grinch Stole …

The twelve days of Christmas? What are they and when do they start? Do they begin with December 13? Twelve days before Christmas? This year, Friday the 13th will be twelve days before Jesus is born. …

It’s been a few weeks since I put my thoughts, also know as my opinion, down on paper. With each sports season that comes my way, I feel like cynicism has become a part of my life. I always hope …

It’s crunch time at the North Pole. Only four weeks until Christmas, that means the elves have roughly 672 hours to have all of the toys ready for the GRB, Gigantic Red Bag on the back of Santa’s …

As we get on in years, we find that we don’t need as much as we used to. It’s sort of like a huge holiday dinner. Every Thanksgiving my family would prepare a feast for a king. We had the usual …

There are a few things in our lives that we give less attention to than a mop. We all know what it is, what it is used for, but how much do you really know about one of the most used cleaning tools …

‘My ding a ling, my ding a ling, I want to play with my ding a ling. My ding a ling, my ding a ling, I want to play with my ding a ling.’ Those are the words to the second stanza of the 1972 hit …

That knife you have in your kitchen drawer you call a ‘butter knife’ is only one of five types of knives with the same name. It is, not by any means, an ordinary table knife. Its ancestry goes …

Soul Cakes or souling was an activity young persons would participate in during the late 17th and early 18th centuries in places like Ireland, Scotland, Britian and the north of France. Young people …

Conspiracy to beat all conspiracy! Today, Oct. 9th marks the anniversary of what was to be called, The Manhattan Project. Now, let’s do some simple math. It was on Oct. 9. 1940 that Franklyn D. …

Dementia is not a disease. It is, however, a group of diseases that have a definitely bad effect on a person’s life. The Harvard Medical School explains it this way. Dementia is a term used to …

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