Sun supports Fong for Congress

For the first time in more time in almost 18 years, Kevin McCarthy isn’t running for congress in California’s 20th congressional district. 

He’s leaving some big shoes to fill. The best bet to step in and continue to represent out interests in Washington is to elect Vince Fong, first in the upcoming special election and again in November to start a full two- year term.

Fong has worked closely with McCarthy for two decades, first as a field representative when McCarthy served in the assembly, an in the same roll after McCarthy was elected to congress in 2006. Fong eventually rose to district director for McCarthy.

Fong knows this district better than any other candidate and working at the staff level, also knows about the workings of congress better than the other candidates. More importantly, he knows about our interests and the challenges we face, first a member of McCarthy’s staff and more recently as an assemblyman whose district covers much of the same territory as the 20th congressional district.

Fong has strong conservative credentials that reflect the 20th district yet he’s also pragmatic enough to know that politics sometimes is about compromise.

He’s the best candidate in the large field running in the special election.

Kern Valley Sun urges you to vote for Vince Fong for Congress.

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