Summer Olympics not my choice this year

Matter of Opinion

When did politics and agenda pushing become part of the Olympics? Is this a new sport that only the organizing committee played? Is this what we have to look forward to every four years? When I started watching the opening ceremonies I was hoping for a spectacular show. Instead, we were forced to watch a boring, not about the athletes, but the new French regime and their agenda. From the countries on boats that slid down the Seine where even the athletes looked bored. To the extremely poor decisions on what was being covered.
Then to watch them mock a Christian rite, just to prove they could. I guess NBC, enjoyed this because they pushed it in our faces under the guise the USA needed to see it. This was the first of the last straws for me as I zipped through the rest as I had the benefit of having it recorded.
Okay, so then I figured I could watch the summer games and root on the USA athletes. This way still, support the country and be allowed to enjoy them. Instead, all I got from the events is the so-called celebrities that were attending the games. What happen to celebrating the athletes? I guess that wasn’t part of the coverage. I became so disappointed in watching the coverage of a myriad of events that I decided to shut it down. Another last straw sighting.
They say the third time is a charm, but I can tell you in this case it was not. I waited a few days and thought maybe now we’d get coverage of the USA athletes and their ups and downs. The winners of gold, silver, bronze, or some time not making the podium. It seemed that only minimal clips from events and then not seeing other athletes that were competing. Again, a real sense of disappointment set in and I then made the decision to forgo more watching of these games. The third last straw so far.
I really tried to push down my disappointment and just watch the Summer Olympics in Paris. Then came the controversy in women’s boxing. It seriously made my stomach turn and a sourness floated around. How is it possible that anyone is okay with a biological man punching a woman? I realize we are living in a so-called inclusive world, but this literally made me question the role of Olympic organizers and the committees that allowed this to happen. This was the final straw and I have yet to watch any more of the summer games in Paris.
I know this is probably not the consensus, but that’s what makes this country so great. Not everyone has the same opinion and that’s okay. As you can see, I gave it multiple chances to grab me and say watch, but in the end, I find it better that I broke the last straw and sat back and didn’t watch. That’s a Matter of Opinion!