Struggles come early in information gathering

Matter of Opinion

Visions of grandeur get shattered for the fall sports programs.
It seems some of the high school coaches do not want to share info with the Kern Valley Sun on their athletes. I went into this year hoping that all the coaches would offer up games/matches results and individual stats. But unfortunately, that has not been the case. Getting this info this early in the year has been a struggle. Each week I do the sports for the Kern Valley Sun, I look forward to telling the athletes side of their contests. Then hoping to get the coach to evaluate the game with a quote. But even this has fallen on deaf ears. I’m really not sure what the issue is.
If it’s a personal one, then contact the Kern Valley Sun and we can hopefully work out the problems to get the Kern Valley athletes the recognition they deserve. I just want it known that I was hired to do a job and I will do it to the best of my ability with the information that I receive. One thing I have always done is not to set my focus on the negative. Do negative things happen in a contest, you betcha! But this writer will never place blame on an athlete that makes a mistake.
Will the negative make the paper? It has to or I’d be failing at my job to tell the whole story. Mistakes are a part of life and they can always be overcome. And if the public and the peers of the athlete constantly remind said athlete they made a mistake, then who has the real problem? Life lessons are a part of sports, going all the way back to ancient times. A wrong turn and a marathon could have been 50 miles instead of the 26 it is now.
So, this is a plea to those coaches that have not been consistent in getting the information in the right hands. My email address is [email protected]. The deadline for inclusion in the following Wednesday issue of the Kern Valley Sun is the prior Sunday at noon. I really do like telling a story in the sports world. Get me the info needed and see if that’s really the case. I promise that it is! That’s a Matter of Opinion!