School board replaces trustee

Cheyanne Click was questioned while competing with four others for the slot on the board. Photos by Catherine Stachowiak 

Tuesday the Kernville Union School District board of trustees appointed a board member they chose out of a selection of four different people.

The four candidates the board questioned regarding their reasons for running were: Cheyanne Click, Karen Greenhaw, Jessica Mills-Ostrom, and Monica O’Brien.

Out of the four candidates, the board voted to appoint Cheyanne Click to be the new trustee.

What Click hopes to achieve as a trustee is being part of the school systems again. “I worked here off and on throughout most of my adult life. And I now have kids that go to school here. So I just want to be more involved, from a community perspective, since I can’t actually be on campus all the time.”

Click believes her role as a board member would be reviewing budget and policy and discussing what’s ideal for spending and policy with regards to the best interests of students and their teachers.

Cheyanne Click was sworn in at the outset of the school board meeting which directly followed

She wants to address the gaps in demographics due to socio economic differences.

Click feels she works well with a team and believes with a strong team the board could get a lot done to benefit the community.

Growing up within the valley Click said she understands the diversity and the school system. She has coached children in the community and understands being a problem solver.

Click assured the board of trustees that she would be able to handle complaints well while serving on the board. She told the board that sometimes people just need to be heard and have a voice.

Going from K-12 in the school system in the Kern Valley Click raised a daughter through grade 12 within the school system. Click said she is also still raising three children within the school system. She was previously a school substitute teacher and was the secretary at Wallace Middle School. She taught grade-6 Self-Contained Classroom for a couple of years. Click has done volunteer work within the schools.

The board appointed the new trustee to replace Gene Parks Jr. after Parks stepped down from the board. Parks had to step down, due to policies, when his wife became the new vice principal at Wallace Middle School.