Old school fan might never agree with the newness in sports

Can you believe it, we are in the year 2025? Who would have ‘thunk’ it? Certainly not me. So, I am 64 years old, yeah, a dinosaur to some. The sports world has changed in so many ways. Instead of using experience or a gut feeling all teams across sports rely on analytics. Until the movie “Moneyball” came out no one knew what analytics were. Some say its progression, I’m going to hold my opinion as my opinion is classified as old school.
Anyway, baseball has been the worse in the changes that have been made. Did any fan of baseball ever think a timer clock would be used for games? I have been and still am opposed to this, but it seems I’m in the minority. Then play reviews. What happened to the human element? Those in charge say it’s to get it right. How many times even and it’s set in stone after the booth review leaves more controversary after they make a decision. Same for the NFL, how come the expediated booth review can quickly make a decision, but it takes three commercials and the ref consultant weighing in before the play stands as called. It sure is confusing to me, but heck I’m an old school fan.
Since I get to use the forum to vent, another area that needs to be addressed is the way the new age athletes celebrate. The NFL is the worse. Really, after making an interception or recovering a fumble the whole defense celebrates in the end zone. Can someone tell me why? If the stations that carry the game would quit showing it, I wager it would stop quickly. How about the new kick off rules? What a waste of kicking the football. If you are so afraid of getting players injured, why not do away with the kickoff all together. Set the offense up at the 30-yard line and play ball.
I could go on and on about the newness in sports, but I surmise that I’ve left you with plenty to think about. I would also talk about the NBA, but I have not watched that sport since the late 80’s. So, we can leave that to your imagination and wonder what you will how this sport has lost the old school affect. But, of course that’s a Matter of Opinion!