Middle school gets new vice principal

Gene and Tiffany Parks. Photo by Catherine Stachowiak

Tiffany Parks is the new Vice Principal of Wallace Middle School.  She is up for the task with the experience she brings to the table for the position.

She told the Kern Valley Sun Tuesday, July 23,  “What is neat is that I’ve been the TOSA here, which was like the acting vice principal at the elementary school for three years.

So now moving to middle school those are 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, those are the three years that I was the TOSA, so I’ve already worked with all the kids. So I know most of the kids. And I worked with the families.  So that’s a big plus. When I show up down there on the first day of school, they’re not going to be intimidated. They’re just already going to know me and have a relationship. So that will be great.”

Parks applied for the position of principal at Wallace Elementary. However the other applicant who was hired for the position left the vice principal position at the middle school, opening the slot for Parks.

“I’m really happy with it. I do appreciate the choice that they made.” She said, “The new principal here is going to do a really good job.” 

Parks said that she has only had her administrative credential for a year and invites the opportunity to help the principal.  

Parks began her education at age 22, for working at daycare and teaching pre-school. At 24 she had the opportunity to be the school director, while she worked on her teaching credential.  She taught for five years and then realized she worked really well with struggling students.  A position came open for her to become an Alt Ed teacher at the elementary school and she taught that for a couple of years with one year at the middle school. 

An opening came about after the COVID shut down for her to work as a TOSA. Her background with student discipline and behavior qualified her for that position. She worked at it for two years and then returned to school to get her admin credential. This position then became available.