Middle School Color Run provides hefty prizes

Photos and story by Catherine Stachowiak

South Fork Middle School held its annual Color Run, Wednesday May 15, which the founder of the event, physical education teacher and athletic director and coach at the school Teddie Anzaldo said was the second event the school has had.

“It’s about 7.6 miles. We did it last year.”  Anzaldo said, “The kids absolutely loved it and had fun. And it promotes fitness and it gives them something exciting to work towards.”

Coming in at first place, grade 8 student, Jadyn Cleveland crossed the finish line with a time of 1 hr. 1 min. 19 sec.

For second place, grade 8 student Luke Hawkins came in, mere seconds later, at a time of 1 hr. 1 min. 24 sec.

The third place, winning participant, was grade 6 student Wyatt Wilkins, with a time of 1hr. 5 min. 26 sec.

The school made sure all the students were well hydrated with Otter Pops Popsicles, water and grapes, after the big run and before the awards ceremony.

Anzaldo told the Kern Valley Sun that winners attained medals, if they won in their certain section, which was part of the motivation for them to participate. Students also raised money, for which the school awarded them prizes, if they raised a certain amount of money. One prize was a shirt. Another prize, for the top three winners of fundraising, was a shopping spree during a day off from school, at Walmart with a lunch out together.

The tech guy for the school sent out a drone to watch the students during the run.  Three units from Kern County Sheriff’s Office were patrolling, and motivating the students.  A Kern County Fire Department station brought up a fire engine with a crew of about a dozen fire fighters running during the Color Run.  Liberty Ambulance was also helping out patrolling.  

The South Fork Parent Teacher Club (PTC) helped attain sponsorships, and with all events at the school, she explained. Anzaldo also said that Brad from Pizza Barn made all the shirts.