Kernville District improves schools

Stage improvement to Wallace Elementary School

Photos and story by Catherine Stachowiak

The Kernville Union School District board held a meeting, Tuesday June 18, at Wallace Elementary School.

During school site council reports the board heard about improvements to the basketball court, which was recently expanded to twice the size. Up until now the court has only had one hoop.  School board trustee Gene Parks Jr. told the Kern Valley Sun that it took him five years of pushing, for expansion of the court, before it was done. He said, “Now we can put another hoop in.  I was so pivotal on that.” 

The floor of the stage at Wallace Elementary School was also complete. The campus in Kernville would be done the next day. Staff had contractors sand the gym floor and they would be taping off to have the floor striped. The sound system and lighting would be completed soon.  Kernville Elementary had the audio and stage lighting almost finished. And contractors would be working on the lighting and audio at Wallace Elementary Thursday. An electrician would be coming out too.

The district got new risers. The baseball field had new bleachers and concrete poured underneath them. There will be concrete put in the dugouts.  The sander broke midway and the contractors had to sand by hand.  Staff members were very excited about starting a new school year with these improvements and happy with the work contractor Pacific West was doing.   

Staff was also making sure computers and servers were up and running, and were working and in good condition, in each room.

After a closed session the board approved the consent calendar. The next regular board meeting would be June 25 at 5pm.

Newly expanded basketball court at Wallace Elementary School

In the Enrollment and Average Daily Attendance Report the district was down 45 students in attendance from June of the previous year, and down one student from the prior month.

The district has been running summer school, 8am to 12pm daily, which began June 5. The Boys and Girls club was running from 7am to 6pm. The Boys and Girls club was taking kids on day trips for different activities.  

Lissa Robinson gave an overview of the proposed budget.  The budget 2024-2025 is available for the public to view.  The district plans to evolve a true, final outlook as the state adopts its final budget.  After the district’s enrollment numbers come in, the district would adjust the budget accordingly. 

The board of trustees then went to closed session for a review of the job Superintendent Dr. Steve Martinez has been doing.