Chamber announces winners of business holiday decorations contest

Kern Veterinary Hospital, KRVCC’s Holiday Business Decoration Contest First Place winners. Photos by Catherine Stachowiak

This year was the very first time the Kern River Valley Chamber of Commerce decided to hold a Business Christmas Décor Contest, which was well received, within the business community of the valley. The chamber announced its winners Friday, December 20.

The chair for the committee, deciding on who won the competition, was chamber board director, Mickie Phillips. She said, “We had a great response this year. And we’re really hoping to see a bigger response next year.”

Local businesses and organizations submitted photos, of their Christmas decorated storefronts, windows, displays, Christmas trees or their lobbies, to the Kern River Valley Chamber of Commerce, by the December 16 deadline.

Business and Organization decoration contest winners were as follows:

First Place: Kern Veterinary Hospital

Second Place: SOS Dog Rescue

Third Place: Sequoia Mountain Apothecary