Back in the saddle, but still lacking the full gallop 

By Ray Conner

It’s been three months now since I returned to the Kern Valley Sun as a sports writer. In that time, I have seen some good changes and some things that remain the same. Being back in the (sports) saddle is something I really do like to be in. 

There have been many positives for the sports. Most coaches get me the info in a timely manner. This makes it real easy to show how the valley athletes are making names for themselves in a variation of sports. Some others, well not so much. I really do hope in the future this can change. 

There are many stories that go unwritten because the info does not get to where it needs to be. There are so many sports type things that happen in the Kern River Valley, yet I get confused as to why the info doesn’t make its way to me. I make myself and my email available to all. 

I even get texted info that helps me show the athletic prowess of individuals in the KRV. If you want to text me, email me at [email protected], or if you have sports info, that is the best way to reach me. We then can share phone numbers and keep in contact. 

I’ve always prided myself on getting as many names on the sports pages as possible. This is evident by the new make shift office and the pile of papers with information and names of athletes that have built up in it.

One of the ways I try and grab info is making a post on Facebook. There is a group Kern Valley News and Info that allows me to express to the valley the need for sports info. I’m certainly glad that group is available and they allow me the opportunity to express the need for people in this valley to be recognized.

I know I ‘ve said this before, but I feel very fortunate for this new/old opportunity. I really do like the direction the paper is headed and I’m really proud that the sports pages have varied interests. Heck, if there was a tiddlywink tournament, I’d do a story on that. That might be too dated for some that might read this, but I know you can all Google it and become that much more informed. Much the same way, I’d like to be kept informed on the valley sports world to present it here in this forum.

To some this might sound like begging, but in reality, it’s just a call for action. Get me the info and you might even get your 15 minutes (actually one week between issues) of fame. Well that is a Matter of Opinion.