The Prefix

The English language is a very adaptable language. It has a certain kind of fluidity about it. One of the things that makes this possible is something called a ‘prefix’. There are hundreds of variations on these tools ranging from two letter ones to multiple letter ones. By employing one of these articles a person can completely change the meaning of any word they could think of. The word itself, prefix, could have a new meaning to the word ‘fix’. If something is in the state of pre-fix it would be broken. Right? In the case of prefix, however, we are using it to assign something in front of another word. ‘The couple seemed so happy, pre-divorce.’
We have a ‘re’ prefix that we can use for anything. For example, if we invent something then sometime later a different fella comes along and invents the same thing only slightly different, it is said that he, ‘re-invented’ what we had already made. Let’s say someone modifies a famous painting, not to steal it, but to ‘rework’ the art to see another perspective of the man or woman who painted it. But, with all of these prefixing things, we have to ask, are there words that we can reestablish by recapturing their meaning? If we are having an argument with a friend, and we decide to let the issue go until later, when we bring it up again is a re-issue?
If we lose our keys, then we find them, then of course, we lose them again, are they ‘relost’? Then, there they are! Now, they are, ‘refound.’ Or, what if we decide to take a drive out into the country, or up to the mountains. We find a great place to rest and maybe have that great lunch we packed for ourselves. After lunch, it is getting late, so do we get back in our car and ‘redrive’ home. Along with that, on the same day, we decide that it’s a good idea to check the tire pressure using that gauge on the dash, one of them has less air that the rest, you go to a gas station, and for eight quarters, you ‘reair’ your tire and you are on your way.
It has not been a good day for you in the love department. Seems that your girlfriend has decided to fall out of love with you and she says goodbye by tossing your stuff on the street. A short time later, she calls your name, and you hear her on your voicemail. You go to where the she said to meet her, and looking at her standing there, you are totally surprised when she puts her arms around and you and whispers, ‘Bring your stuff back’. You realize that you are now in ‘relove’.
Enter a new prefix into your life. Welcome the one that is known as the ‘fixer prefix’. This is the one that no matter what was done, what you did, or what your buddies did, this prefix can help anything. It is of course none other than the prefix, ‘un.’ Un can change everything, and always for the better. Let’s say you ‘do’ something. Well, all you have to do is summons ‘un’ and you can undo whatever it is you have done. It is the easiest prefix to use, and the most effected we have. ‘Un’ is the most unpretentious, unaccusatory, unhateful, and understanding prefix we have ever invented. No matter the situation, you can never go wrong with ‘un’. It is simply unimaginable to think that something ungood could come from using ‘un’ before any word. It is just unthinkable to undermine the power of ‘un’, and it is also unwise to even try. Perhaps unwise is not a strong enough ‘un’, but then sink your teeth into this. ‘Un’ smart.
Once something has happened, it cannot unhappen. Not necessarily. It can rehappen, maybe even with a different outcome. The hardest thing about that would be to get all of the original people back together to reenact the happening. That could prove to be unrealistic, but not unpossible. (Not a real word) Think about it, how many things that have happened to you would you like to unhappen? Not by going back in time, but by redoing them in real time. It sounds farfetched I know, but imagine if you could. Which ones would you change?
The mighty prefix, a tiny non word word that can add so much meaning to an existing word. The prefixes power comes from the word it is trying to change. It cannot do it on its own. The prefix is never a stand-alone word, it is like a parasite of words. It needs another word in order to have life. It can even be considered an invasive species word that once it lashes itself onto an unsuspecting host word, it has that word in its grasp forever. Most words are afraid of the prefix. Most of them want to run when they know it is going to be used with them. Then, all of a sudden. Out of nowhere, comes a hero. Another non word word, but these are the good guys. The Avengers of the word world. They are called, ‘Suffixes’! These guys have the power to eliminate the prefix, and restore the original word, or, if needed, enhance the original or destroy it all together. The suffix is the turn around guy. They are the equalizers of the English language. They are the real game changers and are as sinister as they sound. Words do not mess with suffixes. The suffix is our friend! So, they want you to think anyway. Remember, language is what separates us from the animals, words will do and say, and tell you what you want to hear. Be wary of a misused word. Prefix, or suffix attached.