The KRV Historical Society History Day Announcement.

By Ron Anderson

Our once-a-year History Day Celebration will be here soon, Saturday, May 18, to be exact starting at 9:00 AM and ending at 4:00 PM.  It’s almost here so put a sticky note on the frig so you don’t miss out. Mike Morgan is our new History Day leader and is busy planning and organizing this year’s event. With the help of the rest of the Kern River Valley Historical Society’s volunteers, everything will be ready to go. As near as I can figure, this is our 26th History Day event and it is going to be something special. Homemade ice cream, hand churned butter, and homemade cookies, will be here for your free sampling along with tasty Dutch Oven main dishes. Live music will be played on the museum’s front porch. So, get ready to listen to some good sounds. Gold panning, hit and miss engines, and other ranching, and farming gear will be seen and demonstrated. Our history just sort of comes alive. You can learn some skills of how to pack a mule from the One Spade kids and learn about Native American culture at a very nice display by the Nuui Cunni Cultural Center.  Make sure you get in line for some homemade ice cream. There is much more, I know I have left some events out. It is going to be a fun and educational day.  You’ve got to come and see for yourselves and stay as long as you like. It is all free. It is our way of saying thank you to the people of the Kern River Valley and surrounding areas for your support for many years. Can you believe that the KRV Historical Society has been around for 57 years? It all started in 1967 and we moved to our present location at the museum in 1990 and built and opened our research facility in 2018. 

Finally, one last thought: The KRV Historical Society is a very active all volunteer organization. We do a lot and we always welcome new members. Membership is not expensive, only $30 a year for a single membership or $40 a year for family. There is no use in sitting at home by yourself, come join us, get involved, and meet a lot of nice people.  Stop by the museum any time from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Thursdays through Sundays, pick up an application and get started. You will be glad you did!