SMA invites community to Halloween themed market

Painting by Daisy Torres. Photo by Catherine Stachowiak

Sequoia Mountain Apothecary will be holding the All Hallows, Halloween Theme Sunset Market, Saturday October 19, from 4pm to 8pm, at their shop located at 5400 Lake Isabella Blvd, Lake Isabella.

Owner Stephenie Blankenship invited the public to attend, when she spoke with the Kern Valley Sun last Wednesday.

“This is going to be our second Young Entrepreneur Vendor Fair. Our kids had such a great time this last time, and so did the community, that they wanted to do another one.”

Blankenship said vending events in the month of October often ask adult vendors, to decorate and dress up for Halloween and provide candy for shoppers to trick or treat. “We’re going to reverse the roles for the kids. This time they are going to be the entrepreneurs in the same type of roles as the adults would. They’re going to be vending in decorated booths,” she said.

Sequoia Mountain Apothecary has plans to decorate the apothecary in a Halloween theme The event will be sweets related with some pastry sweets from adult vendors and music. Youths will showcase their own creations, with art and crafts, jewelry, candles, blacksmith iron works, Borel fundraising bracelets and freeze dried moon candy and space snacks and treats. “We have some new vendors coming out. I think it’s really important to encourage the entrepreneurial spirit in our kids.” Blankenship said. “It’s awesome that children can be inspiring for us.”

After the event, Blankenship will be holding a motivational meeting with the kids vending, to encourage them that they can continue running their own businesses to success.

“We’ll probably have about ten vendors, maybe a little bit more. Also we will be having at least one or two more vendor fairs leading up to the holidays, one in November and another one in December at Christmas,” she said.

Blankenship said that she did still have a few vendor spots available for the event, as of last Wednesday.

The night before, the All Hallows event the Sequoia Mountain Apothecary is also holding a paint night, featuring notable artist Daisy Torres with an All Hallows Eve theme, Friday October 18, from 5pm to 7pm. Torres will also be teaching a paint night event at Sequoia Mountain Apothecary on September 28 from 4pm to 7pm.