SAR Recovery in Kern River

Kern County Sheriff’s Office – Public Information Officer

On July 23, 2024, Kern County Sheriff’s Office Search and Rescue (SAR) Teams responded to the Kern River near Hwy 178 for a possible submerged vehicle. SAR deployed a drone,cameras, and vessels to determine if there were any occupants in the vehicle. 

Due to clarity of water, unsafe water conditions, and high-waterlevels SAR was unable to complete the recovery or determine if any occupants were in the vehicle. 

SAR has been out to the location weekly to check the depth and flow of water, but CFS (cubic feet per second) has been too high. Due to the dangerous conditions, the divers were not able to conduct a recovery mission.

SAR has been in regular contact with the water master from the Army  Corps to monitor water levels until it is acceptable for a dive team to go in safely. 

Today, September 10, 2024, SAR divers evaluated the vehicle and determined it is still too dangerous of a mission for our divers.

As soon as conditions improve, and divers can safely enter the water, SAR will make efforts to recover the vehicle.