Riverside Hotel and Casino hosts local bowlers

Squirrel Valley resident, Greg Figueroa watches his bowling ball as it prepares to smash the pins. 
Submitted Photo.

Teri Ritchison of Mt. Mesa is poised to deliver her bowling ball down the lane. Submitted Photo.

Story by Ray Conner

There were 60 plus local bowlers that invaded Laughlin to roll sweepers on June 22.

Commonly referred to as the Laughlin League, these bowlers took their chances in trying to become the king and queen of the alleys. Twice a year, local bowlers from Mt. Mesa Lanes travel to Laughlin to compete at the Riverside Lanes. They roll in June and then again in the month of January. 

They compete all season to make the trip and see if they can no-tap their way to the top spot. Both men and women try and collect the most pin count over three games to be declared the singles winner. Of course, there are many other opportunities to earn some cash prizes for having a good series. There are women’s doubles, men’s doubles, and mixed doubles categories.

These 60 plus bowlers took their turn on June 22 and rolled their bowling balls down the lane in hope of smashing the pins and getting at least nine pins. If a first ball is rolled and nine of the 10 pins fall down, it is counted as a strike. This is how we get the term no-tap. If a bowler gets all 10 pins to fall over, that is considered a real strike. Eight and under pins on their first roll, earns them a second try at completing the spare. 

Sweepers is another bowling term that basically is an in-house tournament at the end of the regular season of bowling. One last hoorah so to speak. But the Laughlin League celebrates their sweepers at the Riverside Hotel and Casino Bowling Lanes. 

This trend of bowling sweepers in Laughlin was started over nine years ago when, what was then called the Gamblers League by Penny and Mike Rivers. A group bowled their league on Sunday and after the regular season they made plans to roll sweepers in Laughlin.

Some of the local bowlers get prepared to take on Riverside Lanes in Laughlin. Submitted photo.

This lasted for two years and then the bowling alley was going through changes and it skipped a year. When the Mayfield’s took over Mt. Mesa Lanes, they were able to get it started again. They added a Friday night of bowling chance to bowl enough games to qualify to bowl sweepers in Nevada. They added the midway January trip to split it up and create another fun adventure to Laughlin. 

While the competition is fierce, the friends of the valley go and enjoy Laughlin in their own ways. They also are a collection of bowlers that enjoy the company of other bowlers. This semi-annual get together also gives the Mayfields a chance to retool as Mt. Mesa Lanes is closed for a couple of days. To get away and enjoy the time they have before getting back to running the lanes.

With this round of sweepers just ending a new opportunity has now come up for any one that wants to get in on the fun. Call Mt. Mesa Lanes and see how to join the fun of combining bowling with a trip to Laughlin.