New hospital CFO joins board discussions

Newly hired KVHD, CFO John Lovrich. Photo by Catherine Stachowiak

The Kern Valley Healthcare District board of trustees held a board meeting, Thursday July 11, at the Kern Valley Hospital facilities.  At that time the Kern Valley Sun discovered who the hospital hired to be its new Chief Financial Officer. 

Kern Valley Hospital hired as its new Chief Financial Officer, two weeks ago, CFO John Lovrich.  Loverich lists as previous experience, on, Catalina Island Medical Center, and is a graduate of USC, from Los Angeles County.  His references on state that he is reliable and trustworthy.  

The CFO said one of the projects the hospital is working on, at Chief Executive Officer Tim McGlew’s request is attempting to get more Medicare or Medi Cal patients in.  

Lovrich also said that now the hospital has more Nursing Assistant graduates.  And this factor would provide 11 new employees.  COVID was a high expense to the hospital with regard to staffing.