Father, son enjoy KRV Little League Season

By TJ Sanders

As the Kern River Valley little league season ends some players and coaches get selected to play and coach for all stars while others begin their summers. Many of these young athletes are not sure what to expect and do not know what is to come from this experience. 

This year we are lucky enough to hear from a coach and a player to provide their insight on what we never get to witness. Coach Michael Henson and his son Sebastian Henson were kind enough to share their experience with the Kern Valley Sun.

. Michael wanted to be a coach because he enjoys spending time with the kids and getting to be around his son even more. His favorite part of coaching was seeing the kids progress throughout the season and watching them build confidence in themselves. 

Michael said that the hardest part about being a coach is keeping the kids engaged because of how young they are and each kid reacts to things differently. 

He strives as a coach to be able to show them support and give them someone they can look up to outside of their household. This is something we want from all the coaches since they keep it fun for the players and it will hopefully make them want to play again in the following years. 

Sebastian’s favorite part of playing this year was getting to play new positions and getting to help his teammates who have never played before. His favorite part about his coaches were that they balanced the fun and seriousness of practices. 

They had days where they had a lot of fun but also had the moments where they had to be serious. Sebastian was able to learn a lot from his coaches and he enjoyed that part because he got to learn more about new positions from his coaches and they were always there to help all the players when needed. 

His main goal for the season was completed because he hoped to learn more than he did last year and he said he learned a lot from the coaches. The insight provided from these two are amazing and we wish them the best of luck moving forward.