Vince Fong’s Proposal to Develop New Aerospace Advancements in Kern County Moves Forward in NASA Reauthorization Legislation

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Vince Fong (CA-20) offered a proposal that was included as an amendment to the NASA Reauthorization Act of 2024, which passed the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology. The amendment authorizes the Making Advancements in Commercial Hypersonics (MACH) Program at NASA. Creation of the MACH Program will improve scientific research by supporting high-speed flights which propels America as a leader in new aerospace technology with developments that will be achieved locally in NASA Armstrong and East Kern County.

More broadly, the NASA Reauthorization Act of 2024 authorizes $25.2 billion for NASA initiatives to promote human space exploration, including the Artemis Program and Moon to Mars Program. This bill will encourage growth in science missions and the aerospace industry, such research and testing in aeronautics that NASA Armstrong and East Kern County has proven to be a trendsetter in.

The MACH Act was sponsored by Rep. Fong and cosponsored by Rep. Kevin Mullin (CA-15).

“This proposal will strengthen NASA’s hypersonic research by flying in real world conditions,” said Rep. Fong. “Our nation must continue to push forward in establishing innovative programs, so we remain on the cutting edge of the best technologies. I am proud of East Kern’s incredible legacy of innovation, and this trailblazing program will ensure our community will continue to make important aerospace advancements for our country.”

“Advancing U.S. capabilities in hypersonics is vital to maintaining American technological leadership and supporting national security,” said Justin Salters, interim Executive Director of B3K Prosperity, a regional economic development organization serving Kern County. “The MACH Program builds on our region’s legacy of aerospace innovation and propels us towards our vision to be the global hub for the next generation of aerospace and defense innovation, testing and production, where workers from all backgrounds have access to economic opportunity.”

“We appreciate Representatives Fong and Mullin’s strong support in driving our nation’s hypersonic program development. Working together with NASA and the Department of Defense is critical for both commercial and defense applications of hypersonic technologies. Stratolaunch is diligently committed to serving this important initiative,” said Dr. Zachary Krevor, President and CEO at Stratolaunch, an established hypersonic test company located in Mojave, CA. 


Public Law 118-42 directs NASA to create the MACH Program and includes $15,000,000 to establish the Program.

At Rep. Fong’s request, the House version of the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill for fiscal year 2025 includes $15,000,000 to fund the MACH Program and directs NASA to focus the Program on flight testing.

The MACH Program is modeled after NASA’s Flight Opportunities Program, which allows NASA to expand access to suborbital space through commercial providers while maturing the capabilities needed for NASA missions. NASA Armstrong Flight Research Center manages the Flight Opportunities Program.

Click here to see Rep. Fong’s remarks on the MACH Program given to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology on July 10, 2024. The Committee passed Rep. Fong’s amendment by voice vote, and ordered favorably reported the underlying NASA Reauthorization bill by a vote of 38-0.