First Place winner of the women’s competition was Dottie Williams. Photos by Catherine Stachowiak
Seniors, and even young visitors enjoyed scary and fun moments, at the Kern River Valley Senior Center, the evening of Wednesday October 30, when locals held their weekly ballroom dance.
Only this week most visitors were thrilled to enjoy some delicious Halloween treats, some good company, along with some live music, and a costume contest.
After a bit of socializing and dance, the women were gathered together at the dance floor,
for a very competitive costume contest. The First Place winner of the women’s competition was Dottie Williams for her costume she titled “Raggedy Ann.”
Following the women’s costume competition, men who wanted to compete were gathered up front for a judgment of the best costume. The First Place winner of the men’s costume contest was Jeff Fisher for his “Jedi” costume.
Winners of the costume contest were based on the amounts of hand raising votes, from the cheering audience, and they received prizes.