Chamber seeks parade participants

Photo by Catherine Stachowiak

Artwork done by Stayce Roberts – Grocery Outlet

This year’s Christmas Parade, with the theme “KRV Strong,” promises to be a spectacular event, the Saturday after Thanksgiving, November 30 at 11am. This year is the 46 annual Christmas Parade. The Parade route will be same as last year along Lake Isabella Boulevard.

Office Coordinator for the Kern River Valley Chamber of Commerce, Liz Mendia told the Kern Valley Sun last Friday that the theme this year, for the Parade, “KRV Strong” was the choice because of everything that the community has gone through with the fires. Mendia said, “It’ll be interesting to see how people manifest the theme in their entrees and what that looks like visually.”

Mendia said, “We learned yesterday that Congressman Vince Fong, who replaced former Congressman McCarthy, is going to be our Grand Martial. Fong was on top of things during the fire event. His office has been involved in providing relief efforts.”

Chair for the parade planning committee, Mickie Phillips said that the committee is hoping for 40 or more entrees. “We’re really hoping we can get more entrees this year,” she said.

“With the Borel fire that just ended, and with everything that happened with the fire, and Havilah being basically almost completely wiped out; that’s the thing about this community. Something tragic happens and this community comes together. And that’s why we selected KRV Strong because we’re a strong community,” said Phillips.

Other members on the parade planning committee are Michelle Abdullah and Vivienne Gillespie, owners of Small Town Beauty and Janet Roberts. Stayce Roberts of Grocery Outlet created the Artwork for the “KRV Strong” theme.

This year there will be a nominal fee for entrees, due to expenses that the chamber pays, for trophies and ribbons. Fees will be $25 for nonmembers and $20 for chamber members. The chamber is inviting businesses to become donors.

Phillips also said. “We’re going to be asking business owners along Lake Isabella Boulevard to decorate their businesses. And then we’re going to select the best decorated business.”

Best Business Christmas decorations will be announced December 20. First, second, and third place winners will receive awards and special recognition in the Lake Lines President of the chamber’s message.

No registrations to join the parade will be permitted after November 22 according to Phillips. Please register for the parade at