Rep. Vince Fong’s Statement on Governor Newsom’s High-Speed Rail
Project Failures
“Once again, Governor Newsom continues with his failing rebranding
tour throughout the Central Valley attempting to deflect from his poor
decisions over the past 6 years. What he masks as accomplishments are
things we continue to see for what they are: great failures. His
high-speed rail project is marred by out-of-control costs, gross
mismanagement, and unrealistic ridership projections. Precious tax
dollars need to be used for projects that will actually improve the
lives of Californians, such as enhancing rural road safety projects
and supply chain infrastructure, building water infrastructure, and
preventing catastrophic wildfires instead of throwing money into
another mismanaged pipe dream. Instead of listening to Californians
who are demanding solutions and substantive results to real-world
issues, Governor Newsom just continues to offer political theatrics to
make headlines for himself.”