Association holds yard sale for scholarships

Board member Claire Hartley (left) sits along side other board members of the LIBPOA. Photos by Catherine Stachowiak.

The Lake Isabella & Bodfish Property Owner’s Association (LIBPOA) held its annual yard sale to raise money for scholarships, the first weekend in October, Friday through Saturday.

The LIBPOA annual sale got a pretty good crowd of buyers that weekend

Local Claire Hartley, who used to be a newspaper reporter, told the Kern Valley Sun that the organization has held this event every year for at least 50 years. Hartley said, “Here we are at the Old Flume Garage that was Manny’s (Discount) Grocery store and then was Transcend Auto(motive.)”

Hartley who is also a board member for the LIBPOA, said, “It’s a 501(c)(4) organization so 100% of our proceeds go to Kern River Valley. We give away money. We’ve scholarships, different things with the schools and students, youth, elderly, the cat project. They’ve given us a few hundred dollars for my Cat Spay and Neuter Project. It’s nice.”

Hartley said the bulk of items the group was selling, that day, were items Karene Williams, who recently passed away, once owned. Williams was an active member of the community, and especially the LIBPOA, and was highly instrumental in raising money for the new skate park in Lake Isabella.