Rep. Vince Fong’s Statement in Response to Governor Newsom’s Refinery Supply Mandate

“Governor Newsom’s refinery supply mandate represents a lack of understanding of how energy supply works,” said Rep. Vince Fong (CA-20). “We cannot allow for the Newsom Administration to continue to interfere with the energy market and cost Californians at the pump. It is clear from his unworkable mandates that he cares more about political headlines than actually implementing policies that will provide Californians with reliable and affordable energy. With this mandate, not only is Governor Newsom intentionally disrupting needed energy production and raising costs in California, but it will create ripple effects in neighboring states as Arizona and Nevada will also see rising prices and limited availability of supply as western states rely on our production. There are real world consequences to Governor Newsom’s poor energy polices and this impractical proposal will only intensify the affordability crisis in our state at a time when Californians are struggling to pay for essentials and create energy shortages across the western United States. It’s clear that Governor Newsom is taking a playbook from Vice President Kamala Harris – pushing terrible policies that make no economic sense.”