Sudha Rai – Skilled Pharmacist Dynamo is here to stay

When I first met Sudha Rai in April 2022 she was full of life and energy, ready to take on the challenge of enhancing and developing the KVHD pharmacy in Mountain Mesa.  Sometimes we have professionals come to the Kern River Valley to “make a difference” only to leave us without much of an impact on our community.   Not this English native!  After a little over two years of service to our community she is as vivacious as the day got here and the future for Mountain Mesa Pharmacy under the leadership of Sudha looks BRIGHT! 

Where were you raised? What’s your background?

I was raised in Birmingham in the UK and have 6 wonderful siblings who are all in the UK.

My parents instilled hard-working ethics in all of us, which is probably why I never stop, however, my father also said to work hard and play harder and my mother, she could chat your socks off. (yes I get that trait from my mother)

 I studied Pharmacy at the University of Sunderland and trained at Boots the Chemist to become a Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, I met my husband at the same University. 2 years after qualifying as pharmacists we purchased and operated our own Pharmacy in Nottinghamshire- building it up to become one of the busiest pharmacies in England. My husband and I have an entrepreneurial spirit and a very Can-Do attitude. 

When we visited California we became besotted with it and decided in 2009 to give up old England and cross the pond. I still love England and the best time to visit is Christmas with all the German Markets and festivities. 

I had to take the National Board of Pharmacy exams to practice pharmacy in CA and also redo my internship, good job I passed the first time.

What brought you to the Kern River Valley?

It was by chance that I found the Pharmacy Manager position at KVHD. At the time I was looking to move away from a large city, somewhere with a beautiful Lake, stunning mountains, gorgeous rivers, and kind people, the stars aligned, and I ended up in Lake Isabella with my husband and 2 children.

What inspired you to take a position here?

The reason I took the position as Pharmacy Manager at Mesa was the challenge of transforming the pharmacy and adding new services for our community. I feel privileged to have the confidence and support of KVHD, which is an amazing organization with dedicated and passionate staff.

I may have a gung-ho style and have a desire to do everything now, but it’s the way I have always been!  I’ve made a lot of changes to the pharmacy, and this is only the start. I believe if you’re going to do something, go all out, make a real difference, and effect change. 

What are your aspirations for the future?

I’m hoping to completely transform the look and feel of Mesa Clinical Pharmacy and make it a true hub for the community. A place where everyone knows your name and they genuinely care. Just like in the old-fashioned way with kindness and etiquette. 

The  community certainly deserves it. I love talking to my patients and if Pharmacy work didn’t get in the way I could quite happily while away the day chatting to some of the nicest people on the planet.

A shout-out to all the hardworking staff at KVHD!!! 

We appreciate what you have done for the KRV so far Sudha Rai and look forward to wonderful progress in the future!