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Proudly serving the Kern River Valley in California

Foundation grants United Way


Director of Community Impact, Fatima Tulfo, in January announced to the press that Kern Community Foundation awarded a thousands in grant money, to United Way of Central Eastern California (UWCEC) for continued support toward Borel Fire survivors.
The $10,000 enabled UWCEC to provide assistance through transitional housing, rent, food and gift cards, transportation assistance, and gasoline, assuring to those impacted access to essential resources during challenging times.  Partners in community-based organizations assist with identifying individuals, providing evidence, that they have been directly impacted.
This particular grant has been made possible through a Disaster Relief, Recovery, and Resilience Fund at the League of California Community Foundations, through Kern Community Foundation. 

The efforts of Kern Community Foundation, and its partners, have contributed $79,650 in direct relief and recovery, for the Borel Fire.

Tulfo said that the Kern Community Foundation encourages the public to contribute to the Borel Fire Relief Fund. The Foundation works with nonprofits and other stakeholders, securing proper distribution of the funds, which will be used for long-term relief: resettlement, rebuilding, and infrastructure within the affected area. Nonprofits may request funding from the Borel Fire Relief Fund.
For information on the Borel Fire Relief Fund, contact Kern Community Foundation at 661.325.5346 or info@kernfoundation.org. Please feel free to donate at kernfoundation.org/borel.

Tulfo also expressed that the Kern Community Foundation’s mission is “Growing Community.  Growing Philanthropy.”  And that for over two decades the Foundation has served as a charitable resource for local donors and corporations and generated capital providing to help make Kern County a better place.  Since 1999, the organization has been home to almost 200 charitable funds.  They have awarded close to $30 million in grants and scholarships.  For more information about Kern Community Foundation visit kernfoundation.org.