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Proudly serving the Kern River Valley in California

Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy Endorses Stan Ellis for State Assembly


Kern County, CA —Former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy has officially endorsed Stan Ellis in the special election for California Assembly District 32, praising Ellis’s dedication to the Central Valley and his track record as a business leader and community advocate.


"Stan Ellis, a longstanding Central Valley business leader, has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to making our community a better place to live, work, and raise a family. His commitment to supporting small businesses and farmers will make him an invaluable advocate in the State Assembly. We need a fighter like Stan in Sacramento to deliver real results for the Central Valley,” said Kevin McCarthy.


In response to the endorsement, Stan Ellis expressed his gratitude and reinforced his commitment to championing the needs of the Central Valley:


“I am deeply honored to receive the endorsement of Speaker McCarthy, who has been a steadfast leader for our region during his years of service. Kevin McCarthy has led the fight for the Central Valley on critical issues like water infrastructure, energy independence, and national security. I am grateful for his trust in my campaign and look forward to continuing the fight to protect our farms, secure our borders, and support the hardworking families of the Central Valley,” said Stan Ellis.